Friday, October 15, 2010

"Healing forces are working their mojo"

When I was working we'd get together every Thursday and read Rob Brezsny's awesome and insightful astrological predictions. It was not only entertaining but always seemed to hit the nail right on the head. I just looked at this week's musings for the first time in many many months and this is what it said.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): "The art of medicine consists of amusing the
patient while nature cures the disease," said French philosopher Voltaire.
With this in mind, let's evaluate your current discomfort. From what I can
tell, healing forces beyond your control and outside of your awareness are
going to be working their mojo to chip away at your problem. But it will
still be wise for you to occupy yourself in activities that you think will
expedite the fix. Doing so will minimize your anxieties, allowing nature to
do what it does best.

Cool! Hey? Me likey!!!
If you want to see what Rob has to say for your upcoming week - check it out here:

On a completely different note, the Zazzle store is doing great in the last two days since it's been open for business. I know the prices are higher than normal but the product isn't being mass produced, so I can see how it would cost them more to make. The 'royalties' that I get (which will go towards publishing the book) aren't very high but in our first two days we've done $300 USD in sales. Way to go Weggies and friends. You really rock! Another thing that makes me think that more good things are coming out of this sickness in my life than bad. I have many more ideas that I will continue to play with and put more products on there with more choice. I'll also contact some other portals that might direct people who I might not personally reach.

Again A BIG FAT THANK YOU to you all.


  1. "Another thing that makes me think that more good things are coming out of this sickness in my life than bad"....There you go again,always upbeat and seizing the positive aspect! Aaaammaaazing. I know I speak for all of us when I say thanks for all the energy that you bring to our big extended family. Good Luck next week from Geoff.

  2. You're one to talk Geoff. You're one of the most positive people out there. That, by the way, is another one of the good things that has come out of this disease... meeting a whole whack of really cool Weggies from around the world that I truly feel are part of my extended family. Wouldn't have happened had I not met my NBF like you like to call it. I'll do my best to represent propa!
