Sunday, November 7, 2010

Made me a survey

So after the chaos of going through this again and trying to figure what next, I've been recollecting my brain cells into a coherent matter (hopefully without the aid of any granulomas.)

I was lying in bed and wondering about patterns that I've noticed from reading other WG stories and stuff and decided to put together a very unscientific survey that is just for me to settle my curiosity.

If you are a Weggie and would like to put your two cents in, it really shouldn't take more than 5 minutes max, I think it would be interesting to see if there are any patterns that emerge. I've only done the free version so I only have 10 questions on there (I have more but that's for later). I'll post all of the responses and they will be completely anonymous and private. Just a glimpse of stuff with no human names behind it.

Here's a link to the survey, and thanks in advance for doing it up my friends.

1 comment:

  1. (if a non-weggie can be so bold as to comment...) how you manage to move forward and continue to help figure out this crazy-ass disease when you are also just trying to get your own feet back underneath you after a flare is a testament to your hard-wiring, my friend. marta-smarta, you absolutely radiate sun-shiny optimism, drive and i'm-on-a-mission passion! but you also need to heal from this recent flare. so... what day can i bring over dinner? and if hana would like to come over and help make it - even better. call me. xoxo
