Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Two more sleeps

Yup, it's fast approaching. I'm a little nervous but mostly excited. I was comparing it to buying an all-inclusive vacation. When you buy way ahead of time, you start to develop expectations because you're over thinking it, whereas if you buy it the day before you leave (like Brian and I have on a few occasions) you have no expectations, and everything is a treat. Landing in the hospital and having things done to you is more like buying the vacation the day before, you just take it as it comes. Now I feel like I bought my vacation in advance cuz I'm thinking about it way too much.

Of course Murphy had to come into the picture too. I've been keeping myself so safe from catching anything as they wont do the infusion if there is any sign of infection, virus, fever - anything. I haven't caught anything really that I know of since I got on the immunesuppresants in May, and last Friday night I started to feel off, and within a few hours my body was doing a full evacuation of it's innards from both ends. As I was holding on the 'puke bucket' all I could think of was - 'lovely, only five days before I have to go in'. Luckily it was a short lived body assault, and has now passed. All three of us had it too, so hopefully we're done with that game.

My next post will be after the wonder drug infusion.

Viva la vida, as my good friend Janet just sent me.


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