Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Strange Sounds

What's that strange sound I'm hearing? Oh it's the sound of the snowball rolling down the mountain. It's the  Find the Common Thread Pajama Day snowball and I'm loving what's happening. LOVING IT! So keep it going friends. Start a little 'viral' PJ oriented activity in your neck of the woods to raise awareness for autoimmunity (nothing crazy though, when I say viral I mean through the web and word of mouth - just to be clear.) Find others hiding their pain in secret (or not so secret if you're me) not knowing how many of their friends are doing just the same. Lets all get together and stand up for the most neglected disease group out there - autoimmunity. Stand up in your PJ's on the 29th. Colour your finger red and make a fashion statement for Autoimmunity. We can post our pics and video here or on - When this is bigger than any of us imagined, we can all say that we were there when it started.

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