Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well I'm stuck in the city

Found out that I don't have any v-zoster antibodies. Blah. So I'm in the city, separated from my family waiting to see if Hana gets anything and if I get anything. If I do, then I have to go on an antiviral and see where that takes me. I've been checking for spots every day and so far so good. I'm also feeling that with each passing day I'm a little bit more out of the woods. 28th will be the full 21 day gestation period, so that will be the magic date. I still go on the 23rd for RTX number two and on the 24th to the U of A for a guest blah blah, so things overall are moving smoothly aside from this one little pox speed bump. Thanks friends for all of your support.

Peace y'all.

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